Airfoil Sunscreen

Aluminum & Exterior Sunshades

Aluminum & Exterior Sunshades

Exterior aluminum sunshades can provide an aesthetic yet functional enhancement to a building and its occupants. By providing greater climate comfort through solar deflection or efficient light reflection, sunshades can reduce direct sun exposure while sustaining natural light and unobstructed views.

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    Through completely customized solutions including blades, finishes, colours and out rigging, Sunshades have the ability to transform an otherwise unassuming building into an architecturally distinctive property. Providing an element of style and sophistication, all our Sunshades are designed to minimize field installation time and can be adhered to curtain wall, steel substrate or block substrate.


    Sunshade systems can be used in an assortment of applications including above window, side of window, roof cap feature, ornamental feature and more. These systems can be incorporated into new construction or retrofit applications. Sunshade systems can be found on distinctive buildings around the world including office buildings, warehouse, healthcare, education, retail shopping centers, recreation centers and more.


    Sunshades come in various types including


    Airfoil sunshades can be applied in vertical and horizontal arrangements to provide a modern contemporary look to a building façade or help hide unsightly equipment.


    Tube sunshades can be designed to span large distances using a variety of shapes.  Their design flexibility allows for a cost effective solution in both vertical and horizontal applications.


    Perforated sunshades combine modern distinct styling with customizable perforation profiles.  These sunshades can be designed and applied in both vertical and horizontal configurations.

    Custom Fabrication

    We can help you design a sunshade that is exclusive and unique to your application or building.

    Aluminum Composite Panel Sunshade

    Product Features

    • Enhanced design or appearance of your building
    • Curtain wall or substrate installation
    • All sunshade types can be custom fitted to your design specifications
    • We can help you select the sunshade that is cost effective and adherer’s to the building specifications

    Material Selection

    Depending on your design criteria, we can supply sunshades in

    • Steel
    • Aluminum
    • Stainless steel
    • Anodized aluminum

    Color Finishes

    Sunshades can be powdercoated or PVDF Kynar finish to match most color samples and can be ordered with

    • Matte Finishes
    • Solid Colour Finishes

    LEED & Sustainability

    • Sunshades systems can obtain a high percentage of recycled content
    • Sunshade systems can reduce the amount of energy consumed by a building all year round
    • Sunshade systems can offer improved indoor environmental quality by reducing the need for continuous artificial lighting
    • LEED Accreditation
    Green Building

    Interested? Let’s Talk.

    Contact our construction department to arrange a consultation or submit a form and a representative will contact you.