Castle Downs Park Pavilion
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall
A game changing design for washroom pavilions and change facilities around the world, now graces Castle Downs park and sports field in Edmonton.
A game changing design for washroom pavilions and change facilities around the world, now graces Castle Downs park and sports field in Edmonton.
Krawford Construction and The City of Edmonton Building and Landscape Services
Castle Downs Park Pavilion
Installation included over 130 panels and 20,000 lbs of mirrored finish stainless steel.
The Castle Downs Park Pavilion was recently recognized by the World Architecture News publication as being one of the top Six Outstanding and Diverse Projects to Showcase the Diversity of Metal in Architecture for 2016.
Check out the shortlist here: WAN Metal in Architecture Award 2016 Shortlist Announced
This award winning building is part of the Edmonton Castle Downs Recreation Centre. It is a multi-use sports facility and is the home to the Edmonton Seahawks football club.
Designed by gh3 Architects, this building is both striking in appearance and energy efficient boasting such features as roof mounted solar panels and a bio-filter system that reuses grey water.
Gh3 was awarded the Castle Downs Park Pavilion by the City of Edmonton through a first of its kind architectural competition. This competition was the first time the city solicited designs for several infrastructure projects. Five projects were up for design with 64 architectural firms submitting proposals.
IMARK was approached by gh3 to aid in the exterior design. The requirements of gh3 were to have a multi-plain exterior with a highly durable yet reflective finish. The panels needed to be full height with no exposed fasteners and the roof edge needed to be minimal in height. The material selected was 16 gauge #7 high polished mirror finish stainless steel. The 4.3’ wide x 12’ high panels were all fabricated in IMARK’s 20,000 sq ft state of the art fabrication facility. IMARK’s installation crews carefully installed each of the 160 pound panels, each of which is equipped with its own unique clip system that will ensure that the corners remain true and tight and that no exposed fasteners are visible.
This project was extremely challenging, the first of its kind and a great success due to the efforts of IMARK’s in house design, fabrication and installation teams.
Contact IMARK’s Estimating Department to arrange a consultation or submit a form and a representative will contact you.
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