Rebranding Announcement: IMARK Architectural Metals

As the company creeps towards its 25th birthday it comes as no surprise to those who know us that IMARK was due for a bit of a facelift.
IMARK has been in business since 1995 and has also been operating with the same logo and mission statement “Driven by Excellence” since then. Although the latter is just as true today as it was 21 years ago, Owners Ted and Barry felt it was time that the company’s exterior image matched the incredible advancements that the company and its employees have made during its tenure in the Edmonton construction market.
We elicited the services of a new and up-and-coming designer by the name of Ben Johnson to help us with our rebranding adventure. Ben hails from Calgary but like many creative minds, set up his business in Canada’s design epicentre, Vancouver. Ben was commissioned to design our new logo, brand guidelines and marketing materials, as well as he takes one hell of a picture.
After several meetings with our internal team and hours of brainstorming, we were comfortable knowing that we had outlined the details of who IMARK was, is, and where it is going to be. What we really wanted to do was emphasize to our clients that IMARK is more than what meets the eye. IMARK is an all encompassing metal fabrication, design, project management and installation organization that, unlike its competitors, focuses on the artistry of metal in design and architecture. Thus we arrived at the new corporate title: IMARK Architectural Metals. That sounds nice doesn’t it?
Once we arrived at the title of IMARK Architectural Metals and had our shiny new logo, we felt it was in the best interest of the rebranding initiative to hire a web design firm to help us reach out to our loyal clientele as well as new generations of craftsmen, designers and architects. The firm we selected was Top Draw. Top Draw is a local Edmonton website design firm.
If you are reading this it is because we have successful launched our rebranding initiative and our website is in full operation. We are not only extremely proud of the IMARK brand but also of the company’s rich history in Edmonton and of our talented and diversified workforce.
Keep your eyes open for materials with our new image and we look forward many more years of sharing our passion, knowledge and metal expertise with you!
Written by Teresa Johnson
About the Author
Teresa has been with IMARK since 2011 and is our in-house HR Manager, Health and Safety Coordinator, and resident social butterfly. Teresa has a busy toddler at home, is currently studying architecture and learning how to speak Swedish.