Edmonton Cambridge LRT Pedway Tunnel

Perforated Imaging Metal Panel Wall Collage

A collage of six different photographs and a map of the Edmonton River Valley converge across 34 different panels to create an artwork piece of perforated metal that extends 98 feet down the Light Rail Transit (LRT) Pedway.


Edmonton LRT Cambridge Pedway Rehabilitation


Located in the underground pedestrian link between Central LRT station, ATB Place and Cambridge Tower, Edmonton Alberta


Avid Architecture

perforated metal image

Project Background

The architect’s vision for this City of Edmonton rehabilitation project stemmed from the Jasper Avenue streetscape located above the tunnel.  Utilizing Ocular by IMARK Perforated Panel Imaging technology, the perforated panels create a timeline image of Jasper Avenue that transitions over the extent of the tunnel, taking the viewer from Edmonton’s past to present. The basis for the timeline image collage was six different photographs layered onto a map of the Edmonton river valley. This collage of images and map carry across over 34 different panels to extend a length of 98 feet down the pedway tunnel.  Additional perforated metal panels are attached to the ceiling to provide a cohesive look.

perforated image design sketch

Project Approach

The Architect’s vision involved durable, heavy-duty architectural wall finishes and a new acoustic ceiling assembly. The main feature of the design was a continuous 130’ motif. Some images selected for the motif were over 100 years old starting as a post-card size photograph, while others were overloaded with details and textures that could not be easily transformed into perforation patterns. Over the course of a few weeks, IMARK and our friends at Avid Architecture worked side by side, adjusting the images and even hand-tracing some to find the right balance.


Perforated Imaging

Project Approach


The finished product needed to have concealed fasteners, while being designed in a non-progressive manner that would allow easy access for maintenance of electrical and mechanical systems within the wall cavity. IMARK designed an attachment method that met the design and engineering criteria. After site dimensions of each panel were confirmed, the images were re-adjusted one more time, ensuring all perforations aligned and flowed seamlessly from panel to panel.

The project turned out flawlessly and was recognized in the Edmonton Urban Design Awards – 2019 People’s Choice in the Civic Design and Urban Architecture categories.

custom perforated image metal panel

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